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NewtonPrimary School

A place to smile

Pupil Premium 2015/2016

Financial Allocations:


This year Newton School has been allocated £7920 in Pupil Premium Funding. We currently have 6 children that receive the Eva 6 funding. 2 more children are entitled to it but were not present at the January census 2015.


How we Use the funding at Newton Primary School:


Identified Need

Action Taken



Children identified as requiring extra support/consolidation for reading, writing and spelling.

To plan and lead intervention packages for writing, spelling and reading.

Children make progress, consolidate learning and close gap with peers. Children have more confidence.

(See file for evidence)


Children identified as requiring extra support/consolidation for Maths

To pre teach and consolidate learning within maths.

Children make progress, consolidate learning and close gap with peers. Children have more confidence.

(See books and assessment for evidence)

As above

Children Identified as requiring support with Literacy within classroom.

Staff to support child  in Hedgehogs class for Literacy (71/2 hours week) Oct-Dec 15

Child makes progress in Literacy skills with support to develop independence and confidence.

£1261.60 with on costs

Children Identified as requiring support with handwriting

Staff to take small groups for handwriting practice.

To consolidate cursive and joined writing.

Children make progress in handwriting.

(See books)

£587.60 with on costs

Children identified and supported/challenged within small class for Literacy and Numeracy.

10-18 pupils with a teacher

Staffing structure provides close relationships where children can be supported and challenged.

Children make good progress and close gap, catching up with peers.

(See assessment and tracking)


Children identified requiring extra teaching/consolidation of phonics knowledge.

Staff to plan and lead phonics sessions for three groups of children.

Children make good progress and close gap, catching up with peers.

(See assessments)

As above

Children identified as requiring social and emotional support to boost self-esteem, confidence, social skills and manage feelings and emotions. (Class 2)

Staff to take small groups, pairs and individuals. 1 afternoon a week

Children have less emotional outbursts and display more control in their behaviour and emotions. Children develop stronger friendships with peers.

(Less incidents recorded)

Total £2052.75

With on costs

Children identified as requiring social and emotional support to boost self-esteem, confidence, social skills and manage feelings and emotions. (Class 1)

Staff to take small groups, pairs and individuals. 1 afternoon a week.

Children have less emotional outbursts and display more control in their behaviour and emotions. Children develop stronger friendships with peers.

April to Dec


With on costs

Children identified as requiring support and confidence with having a voice and understanding how to keep themselves safe.


Action for Children to lead 7 sessions within school with support from staff (CDP)

(Helping Hands Project)

Children are more knowledgeable on how to keep themselves safe.


Children identified as requiring support and confidence with having a voice and understanding how to keep themselves safe.

Staff to attend training and take year groups to lead sessions on Kidsafe program. Parent meetings and letters sent home

Children are more knowledgeable on how to keep themselves safe.

April to Dec

26 weeks

1 hour week


Children identified in need of building self-confidence, esteem and social skills

Staff to lead school council. To develop roles and responsibility within school.

Children show more confidence and self-esteem.

As above

Children identified requiring booster sessions on preparation for Y6 tests.

Staff to lead one hour a week sessions to bridge gaps in knowledge, learning and preparing children for testing.

Year 6 children close the gap on their learning and feel confident in sitting tests. Results in July16 reflect and children obtain expected targets.

To start Jan-April 1 hour week



Children identified as requiring support with costs of swimming, educational visits.

No charge or subsidised cost for swimming, visits.

All children can participate in all activities and enjoy learning.








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