Last year (2013-2014) Newton School was been allocated £6300 in Pupil Premium funding.
It has been used in the following way;
- Increasing HLTA, STA AND TA support in school to ensure children are able to learn in targeted groups based on their level of need.
- Teaching Phonics through “Letters and Sounds” in attainment groups.
- Ensuring that enrichment activities are subsidised during the year so that all children are able to participate in all the activities and trips that are offered
- Specific interventions such as Reading, Spelling and Writing intervention for individual children. The impact will be that children will be able to catch up with their peers and consolidate learning.
- Counselling interventions for individual children. Staff member attended Kid safe training and plans to lead kid’s safe sessions to children. ‘Social and Emotional Resilience in School’ S.E.R.I.S leader to take groups of children to develop self esteem, confidence and social skills.
- To provide time for School Council to meet and develop roles of responsibility. The impact will be to raise the confidence and self esteem and social skills of children.
- We are investing in a range of new and enhancing technologies including I pad technology and mp3 wireless listening centres.
Tracking shows that this has had a positive impact on confidence and attainment.