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NewtonPrimary School

A place to smile

Pupil Premium 2016/2017

In the Financial Year 2016 to 2017 Newton Primary School received   £11,880.00


We had 9 children eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant.


The aim of the funding is to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.


Schools can choose how to spend the Pupil premium Grant. We have used it in the following ways:


Learning: Personalised support, learning packages including 1-1 and small group teaching, supporting children to access the curriculum, breakfast club, afterschool club and homework clubs.


Success: Enhanced pastoral support, Social Emotional Reliance in School (SERIS) support.


Opportunity: Encouraging breadth through enrichment, music tuition, Arts events, learning outside the classroom; educational visits, clubs and equipment.



 Identified Need

Action Taken


Children identified as requiring extra support/consolidation for reading, writing and spelling.

To plan and lead intervention packages for writing, spelling and reading.


Children make progress, consolidate learning and close gap with peers. Children have more confidence.

(See file for evidence)

Children identified as requiring extra support/consolidation for Maths

To pre teach and consolidate learning within maths with maths booster sessions


Children make progress, consolidate learning and close gap with peers. Children have more confidence.

(See books and assessment for evidence)

Children Identified as requiring support with Literacy within classroom.

Staff to support child  in Hedgehogs class for Literacy (71/2 hours week)


TA support in Owls Class TP

Child makes progress in Literacy skills with support to develop independence and confidence.


To challenge and encourage identified more able children to meet exceeding level

Children identified as gifted and talented working in small groups for Literacy and Numeracy and participate in booster sessions.

Through tracking identified children making good progress and are on track to make exceeding level

To improve /develop fine motor skills/handwriting

Fine motor skills/handwriting practice sessions

Presentation awards and pen licence awards

Purchace special pens.

Writing books show an improvement

Children identified and supported/challenged within small class for Literacy and Numeracy.

10-18 pupils with a teacher

Staffing structure provides close relationships where children can be supported and challenged.



Children make good progress and close gap, catching up with peers.

(See assessment and tracking)

Children identified requiring extra teaching/consolidation of phonics knowledge.

Staff to plan and lead phonics sessions for three groups of children.

Children make good progress and close gap, catching up with peers.

(See assessments)

Children identified as requiring social and emotional support to boost self esteem, confidence, social skills and manage feelings and emotions.

Staff to take small groups, pairs and individuals. 1 afternoon a week


Children have less emotional outbursts and display more control in their behaviour and emotions. Children develop stronger friendships with peers.

(Less incidents recorded)

To support children  in attending part time alternative school provision

Identified children attend part time at alternative provision

Supportive procedures and plans help support child and teachers.

To support P.P/SEN children at lunchtimes with separate eating area/staffing support

Staff employed to provide support

Children calmer and happier at lunchtime in quieter classroom at lunchtime

To provide IT equipment for home to support learning at school

Lap tops cleared and sent home to encourage further work and improved attainment

Good progress identified through tracking

To support children and families to access breakfast and afterschool club to enable siblings to attend booster sessions/homework clubs

Children can attend clubs that would not be able to otherwise

Identified children make good progress and predicted to make expected level

Children identified as requiring support and confidence with having a voice and understanding how to keep themselves safe.


Action for Children to lead  sessions within school with support from staff (CDP)

(Helping Hands Project)

Children are more knowledgeable on how to keep themselves safe.

Children identified as requiring support and confidence with having a voice and understanding how to keep themselves safe.

Staff to attend training and take year groups to lead sessions on Kidsafe program. Parent meetings and letters sent home


Children are more knowledgeable on how to keep themselves safe.

Children identified in need of building self confidence, esteem and social skills

Staff to lead school council. To develop roles and responsibility within school.


Children show more confidence and self esteem.

To support children with music tuition

Music lessons provided

Children show more improved confidence and self esteem.

Children identified as requiring support with costs of swimming, educational visits.

No charge or subsidised cost for swimming, visits.

All children can participate in all activities and enjoy learning.

To provide milk to P.P children through ‘Cool Milk’

Identified children get milk

Children enjoy milk

To encourage and provide activities outside the curriculum to boost confidence and social skills

Local artists to work with children to create models to carry through Dalton carnival

Children contribute to working as a group to complete large scale model and participate in event.





