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NewtonPrimary School

A place to smile

Pupil Premium 2014/2015

Newton Primary School 

Pupil Premium grant expenditure 2014 - 15


Numbers of pupils and pupil premium grant

Total number of pupils on roll (R-Y6) 49  
Total number of children eligible for PPG 1  
Total number on eve 6 eligible 8 £1300
Total number of LAC pupils 1 £1900
Total amount of PPG recieved   £12900.97


Objectives in spending PPG

Raising Attainment and achievement of pupils to at least expected progress through: 

  1.  raising the progress and attainment in English and Maths of Pupil Premium in children. 
  2. Providing guidence and support to vulnerable children and their families. 
  3. Enriching the educational experience for all Pupil Premiuim children.


Summary of spending and actions being taken:

Raising the progress and attainment in English and Maths of Pupil Premium children (80% of funding) 

  • To part fund an extra 2 teachers to provide 4 small classes in the morning (English and Maths sessions) of 10 - 20 pupils. 
  • To fund STA to support with teaching a daily phonics group. 
  • To fund an exprienced teacher to provide booster sessions to support children in KS2
  • To part fund an exprienced STA to provide 1:1/small group reading, spelling and maths intervention packages. 


Providing guidence and support to vulenrable children and their families. 

  • To part hund SERIS (Social, Emotional, Resilience in School) workers to take groups/individual children for sessions. (7 children within school are currently having TAC/TAF meetings and support. 
  • To part fund support workers to meet families to support them in improving their attendence, punctuality and attitudes to learning. 
  • To purchase SERIS materials and resources for 1:1/group work. 
  • Councillor to support child. 


Enriching the educational experience for all Pupil Premium children. 

  • Subsidise out of school educational activties, breakfast and after school clubs. 


Record of PPG spending by item/project 2014/15





To part fund teachers






To fund 1-1 support


To enable pupils at risk of underachieving to reach ARE and make accelerated progress.

Identified children make progress and close gaps

To support LAC within classroom


To enable pupils at risk of underachieving to reach ARE and make accelerated progress.

Progress made by LAC children

To support with daily maths session with TA for more able PPP child/group in KS1



To enable pupils at risk of underachieving to reach ARE and make accelerated progress.

Child gained Level 3 in SATS in Maths

To fund the purchase of 6 Huddles and digital camera.


To enhance and provide

Children enhance learning through using IT

To fund Seris (Social Emotional Resilience in Schools) worker


Pupils with emotional needs are able to participate fully in learning.

Early identification and support for pupils and families to support emotional well being and enable pupils to engage fully in learning to make good progress.

Attendance improved

Pupils receiving support made at least good progress.

Children able to access curriculum more

To fund Seris/Booster


Pupils making expected progress from KS1 maths, reading and writing.

Reduction in behaviour incidents impacting on learning.

Councillor (SV)


To support children

More confidence and settled behaviour

To attend Inclusive Learning training


Strategies gained to support learning

Strategies used

To purchase resourses to support SERIS activities such as board games/books.


To provide interactive and fun activities to teach and encourage children to understand their emotions and behaviour.

Children begin to show an understanding of their emotions and behaviours and this is shown in a decrease in incidents especially at playtimes and lunchtimes.

Educational visits and enhanced curriculum activities


Artist John Hall worked with all school on group project to make dragon for Dalton Carnival.


Willow weaving experience for all the school.











To enable pupils to participate in a wide and enhanced curricular provision through residential trips and enhanced curriculum activities

All pupils requiring additional financial support enabled to participate fully.

All children given the opportunity to participate in enhanced activities

Year 6 Horse Riding


To enable all children including PP to access all activities

All children gain confidence and skills in activities outside school




Keswick residential Y5/6



Breakfast club


To provide opportunities to support family and children

Parents can attend work/meetings/appointments


